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Sui Keytool CLI

The Sui Keytool CLI provides several commands for managing and generating addresses, working with private keys, signatures, or zkLogin. For example, a user could export a private key from the Sui Wallet and import it into the local Sui CLI wallet using the sui keytool import [...] command.

Check Sui CLI installation

Before you can use the Sui CLI, you must install it. To check if the CLI exists on your system, open a terminal or console and type the following command:

sui --version

If the terminal or console responds with a version number, you already have the Sui CLI installed.

If the command is not found, follow the instructions in Install Sui to get the Sui CLI on your system.


Usage: sui keytool [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

convert Convert private key from wallet format (hex of 32 byte private key) to sui.keystore format (base64 of 33 byte flag || private key) or
vice versa
decode-tx-bytes Given a Base64 encoded transaction bytes, decode its components
decode-multi-sig Given a Base64 encoded MultiSig signature, decode its components. If tx_bytes is passed in, verify the multisig
generate Generate a new keypair with key scheme flag {ed25519 | secp256k1 | secp256r1} with optional derivation path, default to
m/44'/784'/0'/0'/0' for ed25519 or m/54'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256k1 or m/74'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256r1. Word length can be { word12 |
word15 | word18 | word21 | word24} default to word12 if not specified
import Add a new key to sui.keystore using either the input mnemonic phrase or a private key (from the Wallet), the key scheme flag {ed25519 |
secp256k1 | secp256r1} and an optional derivation path, default to m/44'/784'/0'/0'/0' for ed25519 or m/54'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256k1
or m/74'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256r1. Supports mnemonic phrase of word length 12, 15, 18`, 21, 24
list List all keys by its Sui address, Base64 encoded public key, key scheme name in sui.keystore
load-keypair This reads the content at the provided file path. The accepted format can be [enum SuiKeyPair] (Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag ||
privkey`) or `type AuthorityKeyPair` (Base64 encoded `privkey`). This prints out the account keypair as Base64 encoded `flag ||
privkey`, the network keypair, worker keypair, protocol keypair as Base64 encoded `privkey`
multi-sig-address To MultiSig Sui Address. Pass in a list of all public keys `flag || pk` in Base64. See `keytool list` for example public keys
multi-sig-combine-partial-sig Provides a list of participating signatures (`flag || sig || pk` encoded in Base64), threshold, a list of all public keys and a list of
their weights that define the MultiSig address. Returns a valid MultiSig signature and its sender address. The result can be used as
signature field for `sui client execute-signed-tx`. The sum of weights of all signatures must be >= the threshold
show Read the content at the provided file path. The accepted format can be [enum SuiKeyPair] (Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag || privkey`)
or `type AuthorityKeyPair` (Base64 encoded `privkey`). It prints its Base64 encoded public key and the key scheme flag
sign Create signature using the private key for for the given address in sui keystore. Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage]
consisting of the Base64 encoded of the BCS serialized transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be
sign-kms Creates a signature by leveraging AWS KMS. Pass in a key-id to leverage Amazon KMS to sign a message and the base64 pubkey. Generate
PubKey from pem using MystenLabs/base64pemkey Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage] consisting of the Base64 encoded of the
BCS serialized transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be used
unpack This takes [enum SuiKeyPair] of Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag || privkey`). It outputs the keypair into a file at the current
directory where the address is the filename, and prints out its Sui address, Base64 encoded public key, the key scheme, and the key
scheme flag
zk-login-sign-and-execute-tx Given the max_epoch, generate an OAuth url, ask user to paste the redirect with id_token, call salt server, then call the prover
server, create a test transaction, use the ephemeral key to sign and execute it by assembling to a serialized zkLogin signature
zk-login-enter-token A workaround to the above command because sometimes token pasting does not work. All the inputs required here are printed from the
command above
zk-login-sig-verify Given a zkLogin signature, parse it if valid. If tx_bytes provided, it verifies the zkLogin signature based on provider and its latest
JWK fetched. Example request: sui keytool zk-login-sig-verify --sig $SERIALIZED_ZKLOGIN_SIG --tx-bytes $TX_BYTES --provider Google
--curr-epoch 10
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--keystore-path <KEYSTORE_PATH>
--json Return command outputs in json format
-h, --help Print help

JSON output

Append the --json flag to commands to format responses in JSON instead of the more human friendly default Sui CLI output. This can be useful for extremely large datasets, for example, as those results can have a troublesome display on smaller screens. In these cases, the --json flag is useful.


The following examples demonstrate some of the most often used commands.

List the key pairs in the local wallet

Use the sui keytool list command to output all the Sui addresses that exist in the ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore file in a readable format.

$ sui keytool list
│ ╭─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ suiAddress │ 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235 │ │
│ │ publicBase64Key │ AHsXwcxaWNaNtCIIszwu7V2G6HO8aNM1598w/8y0zI5q │ │
│ │ keyScheme │ ed25519 │ │
│ │ flag │ 0 │ │
│ │ peerId │ 7b17c1cc5a58d68db42208b33c2eed5d86e873bc68d335e7df30ffccb4cc8e6a │ │
│ ╰─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ ╭─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ suiAddress │ 0x514692f08249c3e9957799ce29074695840422564bff85e424b56de462913e0d │ │
│ │ publicBase64Key │ AKJCGi8R8TslhYdO2OHIjI6rbr+to1eR+vlOjigLY6SX │ │
│ │ keyScheme │ ed25519 │ │
│ │ flag │ 0 │ │
│ │ peerId │ a2421a2f11f13b2585874ed8e1c88c8eab6ebfada35791faf94e8e280b63a497 │ │
│ ╰─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │

Generate a new key pair and store it in a file

To generate a new key pair with the ed25519 scheme, use the sui keytool generate ed25519 command. For other schemes, see sui keytool generate –help. The key pair file is saved to the current directory with its filename being the address. The content of the file is a Base64 encoded string of 33-byte flag || privkey.

$ sui keytool generate ed25519
│ suiAddress │ 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25 │
│ publicBase64Key │ AKTAGf9iv0JqeLXXlsr4PUzBXb9VY8lK7xiZMS50GSu6 │
│ keyScheme │ ed25519 │
│ flag │ 0
│ mnemonic │ cushion price ability recall payment embody kid media rude mosquito chalk broom │
│ peerId │ a4c019ff62bf426a78b5d796caf83d4cc15dbf5563c94aef1899312e74192bba │

Show the key pair data from a file

Use sui keytool show [filename] to show the key pair data that is stored in a file. For example, the previous command generated a file named 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25.key.

$ sui keytool show 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25.key
│ suiAddress │ 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25 │
│ publicBase64Key │ AC+AKTAGf9iv0JqeLXXlsr4PUzBXb9VY8lK7xiZMS50GSu6 │
│ keyScheme │ ed25519 │
│ flag │ 0
│ peerId │ a4c019ff62bf426a78b5d796caf83d4cc15dbf5563c94aef1899312e74192bba │

Sign a transaction

$ sui keytool sign --data AAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAAILsR2d1FIZ5+ADDYZtJ2e9CWlpAxsGd4Y2rZrjlyTUF1MEfxQqhCl6QqZfsKjHpxbZ0bC9BBPWv6Xd/sRd8XUjXoAwAAAAAAAICWmAAAAAAAAA== --address 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235

│ suiAddress │ 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235 │
│ rawTxData │ AAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAAILsR │
│ intent │ ╭─────────┬─────╮ │
│ │ │ scope │ 0 │ │
│ │ │ version │ 0 │ │
│ │ │ app_id │ 0 │ │
│ │ ╰─────────┴─────╯ │
│ rawIntentMsg │ AAAAAAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAA │
│ digest │ +B8Cbr16HfOVT50DoN/QF8HB0+oznm8KAYy8Rm+TQFo=
│ suiSignature │ ANucBEl9TIE0uv+w965DvOjlfDUll7NUtIpJgRhPc3D3y3EtZ4cvaNbm8i5pc7TNIov/qI0FhzIYf2J6PbqoNQ57F8HMWljWjbQiCLM8Lu1dhuhzvGjTNeffMP/MtMyOag==


Each command has its own help section. For example sui keytool sign –help displays the following prompt:

$ sui keytool sign --help
Create signature using the private key for for the given address in sui keystore. Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage] consisting of the Base64 encoded of the BCS serialized
transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be used

Usage: sui keytool sign [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> --data <DATA>

--address <ADDRESS>
--data <DATA>
--json Return command outputs in json format
--intent <INTENT>
-h, --help Print help